I’m a visiting researcher at Imperial College London and a research fellow at University College London (UCL).

I am also the Lead Software Engineer at Tanuki Technologies and a consultant for Imperial College Consultants. I am passionate about science, technology, and engineering. My areas of expertise include numerical methods, solid mechanics, and material testing. 

I have an extensive track record of employing computational simulations and experiments to solve challenging engineering problems.


I have more than 9 years of experience accomplishing successful partnerships with industry and government bodies, which include PETRONAS (energy sector), Johnson Matthey (chemical engineering) and Transport for London (construction engineering).

I am considered a world expert in the field of fracture mechanics and multi-body dynamics. I have been an invited speaker and session organiser at several international research conferences. My research spans from the study of fibre-reinforced concrete tunnels and borehole stability to the optimisation of catalyst supports for the production of hydrogen.

Through my research work over the last four years, I have attracted funding valued at £734,003 to Imperial College London.

I have been a member of the Royal Society’s RAMP committee (Rapid Assistance in Modelling the COVID Pandemic) that provides the UK government with scientific advice during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was also the representative of postdocs and fellows of the Earth Science and Engineering Department at Imperial College London and I am currently a committee member of the Imperial Postdoc and Fellows Enterprise Network.

When I am not busy running computer simulations or making experiments with high-velocity impact testing machines, I also sing (mostly jazz and rock) and play guitar.



I have more than nine years of experience in collaborating with industries and government bodies from different engineering sectors:

February 2021 - current

Cloud Cycle

UK technology company

I have been a scientific and engineering consultant to develop within a time constraint numerical models to assess the mechanical properties of building materials utilising live data from IoT sensors.

April 2020 - July 2022


Malaysian oil and gas public company

I have been working with Petronas to device strategies to reduce the production of solids during the extraction of gas from carbonate reservoirs. 

December 2018 - June 2019

Well Services Group (WSG)

Geothermal technology provider

I have been working on a novel productivity enhancement technology in geothermal reservoirs with the Well Services Group and a consortium of major technical institutions within a European Commission funded project. My work was focused on a method of enhancing heat recovery by accessing and connecting to high permeable zones within geothermal reservoirs with radial water jet drilling.

July 2017 - January 2018

Transport for London (TfL)

Government body

I have been working with Transport for London to provide a better understanding of post-crack behaviour of sprayed concrete lined tunnels. My work will help engineers design future expansions of the underground railway system in the UK.

June 2015 - Ongoing

Bedi Consulting

Engineering consultancy company

I am working with Bedi Consulting on solutions for fibre-reinforced tunnel linings.

August 2013 - Ongoing

Johnson Matthey

Chemicals and sustainable technologies company

I am working with Johnson Matthey on a number of projects with different departments within the company. I have worked with the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre on the mechanical characterisation of catalyst supports and on numerical modelling for pellet optimisation. I have also worked with the R&D within the Steam Reforming department to model the packing of reactor tubes and deliver a purpose-built software for in-house design and engineering applications.

February 2013 - August 2013


Italian oil and gas company

I have been working with ENI on the development of a testing equipment for the identification of mechanical properties of the geological formations during drilling operations.


I am open for industrial consultancy projects, both privately and with Imperial College Consultants. I’m an expert in stress analysis, numerical modelling and mechanical testing in the following areas (click on the title to expand) :

Ceramics, structural applications, non-destructive testing (micro indentations), mechanical properties and characterisation (three-point bending tests, compression tests, digital image correlation), modelling of catalyst supports (packing density, stress/deformations and fragmentation, shape optimisation, heat transfer).

Drilling technology (equipment design, borehole stability, jet drilling). Rock and soil mechanics (analysis and simulation of stresses and fractures).

Tabletting, powder compaction, catalyst supports.

Modelling (structural analysis, fracture mechanics, geomechanics). Testing (three-point bending test, compression testing, digital image correlation and tracking). Breakwaters and tunnels.

Computational mechanics software for engineering modelling: finite element method (e.g. ABAQUS, MATLAB, Ansys, etc.), discrete element method and combined finite-discrete element method (e.g. Solidity). Introduction to coding: MATLAB, Python, C. Advanced coding: MATLAB, Python.

Click here to download my consulting portfolio.


To fund my research I have contributed, often as the main contributor, to writing several fellowship and research proposals. In particular the ICE Research and Development Enabling Fund Award (£25,000) was awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) to support my research on fibre reinforced sprayed concrete lined tunnel simulations. One year later, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) awarded its Impact Acceleration Account grant for my research on catalyst packing dynamic (£72,495) and a few years later on concrete armour unit collision simulator for coastal protection (£71,796). Recently an FTSE 100 listed company has signed a contract with Imperial College (£25,000) for utilising the FDEM code that I have been developing with my research group and for the software training that I have provided. The Dame Julia Higgins Engineering Postdoc Collaborative Research Fund has funded three separate research projects that I have submitted in 2019, over a total of nine funded projects overall that year, on simulating 3D printed metal structures (£2,000), modelling micro particles for non-invasive measurement of pressure (£2,847) and simulating the biomechanics of ulceration in diabetic feet (£1,508). More info on my research projects below:

I am currently developing a computational tools that simulate rock failure and solid production in vertical wells. The project is fully funded by the PETRONAS Centre for Engineering of Multiphase Systems.

I have been developing a computational tool that quantifies damage of coast defence structures (e.g. mass losses). The project was fully funded by the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account with the aim of enhancing the open source Solidity FDEM code… READ MORE

I have joined a European collaborative research group working on radial water jet drilling. The project was fully funded by the European Commission with the aim of enhancing the productivity of geothermal resources… READ MORE

I am also working on the numerical simulation of packing properties for catalyst support optimisation. This research is the result of a collaboration between Imperial and Johnson Matthey, an FTSE 100 listed company (Johnson Matthey fits with its catalysts around one third of all cars worldwide) … READ MORE

I am also working on the numerical simulation of particle stress and fracture for catalyst support optimisation … READ MORE

I have also been working on a collaboration with London Underground and other construction engineering companies to provide a better understanding of post-crack behaviour of sprayed concrete lined tunnels. My research will help engineers design future expansions of the underground railway system in the UK … READ MORE

I have been working with state-of-the-art mechanical testing equipment in the Materials and Structural labs at Imperial, undertaking micro- and nano-indentations, ultrasonic and strength tests, with the aim of characterising the material properties of ceramic catalyst pellets. I have also developed a novel digital image correlation methodology to obtain both strength and stiffness from three-point bending tests on stiff ceramic bars … READ MORE

Side projects

I have been using computational tools for evaluating the effect of residual stresses in 3D printed metal structures. This research is funded by the Dame Julia Higgins Engineering Postdoc Collaborative Research Fund.

I have been investigating possible applications of the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) to study the biomechanics of ulceration in diabetic feet. This research is funded by the Dame Julia Higgins Engineering Postdoc Collaborative Research Fund.
I have been simulating micro particle deformations to help develop a new method for non-invasive measurement of pressure in microfluidic chips (and possibly in the human body). This research is funded by the Dame Julia Higgins Engineering Postdoc Collaborative Research Fund.
I have been working with a PhD student in the Civil Engineering department at Imperial (Anna Caklais) to assess the  stability of precariously balanced rocks during earthquakes.
I have supervised a student from the Department of Physics at Imperial (Christopher Bradley). We have been investigating the crystallisation of small tetrahedral particles.
I have supervised two student from the Geophysics MSci at Imperial (William Andrews and Edward Clark). We have been investigating the packing properties of realistic rock shapes.
I have supervised two student from the Geophysics MSci at Imperial. We have been investigating the packing properties of realistic breakwater armour units (Rachael Fletcher) and their articulation (Tan Yun Zhou) with experiments and simulations.


  • [17] Bouziani N, Ham DA, Farsi A, (2024) Differentiable programming across the PDE and Machine Learning barrier. Arxiv. (pdf) (doi)
  • [16] Farsi A, Xiang J, Latham JP, Carlsson M, Stitt EH, Marigo M, (2021) Packing simulations of complex-shaped rigid particles using FDEM: An application to catalyst pellets. Powder Technology. (pdf) (doi)
  • [15] Farsi A, Xiang J, Latham JP, Carlsson M, Stitt EH, Marigo M, (2020) Strength and fragmentation behaviour of complex-shaped catalyst pellets: A numerical and experimental study. Chemical Engineering Science. (pdf) (doi)
  • [14] Farsi A, Bedi A, Latham JP, (2019) Simulation of fracture propagation in fibre-reinforced concrete using FEMDEM: An application to tunnel linings. Computational Particle Mechanics. (pdf) (doi)
  • [13] Latham JP, Xiang J, Farsi A, Joulin C, Karantzoulis N, (2019) A class of particulate problems suited to FDEM requiring accurate simulation of shape effects in packed granular structures. Computational Particle Mechanics. (pdf) (doi)
  • [12] Latham JP, Farsi A, Xiang J, Clark E, Bakker RR, (2019) Numerical modelling of the influence of in-situ stress, rock strength and hole-profile geometry on the stability of Radial Water Jet Drill (RJD) boreholes. American Rock Mechanics Association. (pdf) (doi)
  • [11] Latham JP, Farsi A, Xiang J, Chen B, (2019) The Horizon 2020 Project SURE: Deliverable 7.2 – Report on Laterals Stability Modelling. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. (pdf) (doi)
  • [10] Xiang J, Chen B, Latham JP, Farsi A, (2019) The Horizon 2020 Project SURE: Deliverable 7.1 – Report on Water Jet Drilling Modelling. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. (pdf) (doi)
  • [9] Farsi A, Xiang J, Latham JP, Pullen AD, Carlsson M, Stitt EH, Marigo M, (2017) Does shape matter? FEMDEM estimations of strength and post failure behaviour of catalyst supports. 5th International Conference on Particle-based Methods. (pdf)
  • [8] Farsi A, (2017) Numerical and experimental investigations of particle stress and fracture for complex-shaped pellets. Imperial College London. (pdf) (doi)
  • [7] Farsi A, Pullen AD, Latham JP, Bowen J, Carlsson M, Stitt EH, Marigo M, (2017) Full deflection profile calculation and Young’s modulus optimisation for engineered high performance materials. Scientific Reports. (pdf) (doi)
  • [6] Farsi A, Xiang J, Latham JP, Carlsson M, Stitt EH, Marigo M, (2016) Simulation and characterisation of packed columns for cylindrical catalyst supports and other complex-shaped bodies. 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (pdf) (doi)
  • [5] Farsi A, Xiang J, Latham JP, Pullen AD, Carlsson M, Stitt EH, Marigo M, (2015) An application of the finite-discrete element method in the simulation of ceramic breakage: Methodology for a validation study for alumina specimens. 4th International Conference on Particle-based Methods. (pdf)
  • [4] Latham JP, Xiang J, Farsi A, (2016) Accurate modelling of particle shape effects in packed granular structures: a class of particulate problems solved by FEMDEM. 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (pdf)
  • [3] Xiang J, Latham JP, Farsi A, (2016) Algorithms and capabilities of Solidity to simulate interactions and packing of complex shapes. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (pdf) (doi)
  • [2] Farsi A, (2013) Inverse analysis procedures and possible applications in drilling operations. Politecnico di Milano. (doi)
  • [1] Farsi A, Busnelli, S, (2010) Comparative analysis of three models of beams on elastic foundations. Politecnico di Milano.


Industry training and workshops

I am working with the AMCG and Imperial Innovations to launch a commercial software based on combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM). This involves peaching the software to companies, organising training classes and workshops, writing the manual of the software and keeping in touch with industrial contacts. My main role has been to create the training materials, tailor and validate the software on the basis of specific industrial requirements, showcase the software’s capabilities to build trust with companies and secure funding.

Teaching at Imperial College London

I have worked as a teaching assistant for maths, physics and programming courses at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London. In particular, the courses I have demonstrated for are Maths Methods 3 (vector calculus and Fourier analysis), Physics for Geoscientists (mechanics, electricity and magnetism), Numerical Methods 1 (numerical methods in Python), Coastal Engineering (coastal structures design and case histories and slope stability), Environmental and Engineering Geology (excavation, blasting, geomaterial properties, case studies). 

Private teaching

I was the founder and co-director of Golden Square Tutors, a collective of top private tutors based in central London. I have been giving private lessons to A Level, undergraduate and Master’s students. Over the last few years I have also been working with major London-based tutoring agencies The Profs and First Tutors, often working with students from Russell Group universities. I teach different scientific topics, such as mathematics (mainly calculus, linear algebra and numerical methods), computer science, physics, and engineering (mainly structural analysis, hydraulics and soil mechanics).

Hermes Summer School

I was a member of the organising committee for Hermes 2016, an international materials modelling summer school that took place in Cumberland Lodge, Windsor (just outside London). This involved planning classes and activities, reviewing the academic literature on current methods and trends in material modelling, keeping in touch with world-class academic and industrial speakers, and liaising with funders. My main role was to build relations with companies and charities to promote the event and to secure funding. During the summer school I have been leading work groups and supervising the activities. 

About me

I was born in Monza, near Milan (Italy), and before moving to the UK I have studied at the Polytechnic University of Milan, where I have earned a Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering and a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering.

I have presented my research to peers at conferences in the UK, the rest of Europe, Asia and America. I was also invited to deliver lectures in the invited session at three international conferences. These were the 7th International Conference on Coupled Problems and at the 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, where I was invited in view of my “acknowledged reputation and well-known research activities in this area”. I was also invited to deliver a lecture to the 13th Annual Conference on Materials Science, Metals and Manufacturing Conference, November 16-17, 2017 in Paris, France (which I was unfortunately unable to attend). For the list of conferences see the Talks Section below.

Alongside my academic research, I am also teaching, both at Imperial and as a private tutor. I am the founder and co-director of Golden Square Tutors, a collective of top private tutors based in central London. I was also one of the organisers of the Hermes 2016 summer school, more on this in the Teaching Section. 


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computational Mechanics

Master of Science (MSc), Structural (Civil) Engineering

Bachelor of Science (BSc), Building Engineering


    [21] Firedrake ’24

    Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (16-18 September 2024)


    [20] 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering

    Lisbon Congress Centre, Lisbon, Portugal (3-7 June 2024)

    Invited session organiser, chair and speaker.

    [19] European Geosciences Union General Assembly

    Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria (14-19 April 2024)


    [18] American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

    Moscone Center, San Francisco, California (11-15 December 2023)


    [17] 17th U. S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics

    Albuquerque, New Mexico (23-27 July 2023)

    Invited session organiser, chair and speaker.

    [16] 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics

    Virtual Congress (Yokohama, Japan) (1-5 August 2022)

    Invited session organiser, chair and speaker.

    [15] 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics

    Virtual Congress (Paris, France) (11-15 January 2021)

    Invited session organiser, chair and speaker.

    [14] 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods

    University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (22-26 July 2019)


    [13] European Geothermal Congress 2019

    World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands (13th June 2019)

    H2020 SURE meeting.

    [12] 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics

    Marriott Marquis, New York City, New York (22-27 July 2018)


    [11] 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods

    University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany (26-28 September 2017)

    Invited presentation.

    [10] 7th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering

    Rodos Palace International Convention Center, Rhodes, Greece (12-14 June 2017)

    Invited presentation.

    [9] 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods

    Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China (1-4 August 2016)

    Presentation **Best Student Paper Award**.

    [8] IFPRI Robert Pfeffer Symposium and UK Particle Technology Forum 2016

    University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom (15-16 June 2016)


    [7] Johnson Matthey Academic Conference 2016

    Imago conference centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom (12-13 April 2015)


    [6] 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods

    Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (28-30 September 2015)


    [5] Johnson Matthey Academic Conference 2015

    Imago conference centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom (8-9 April 2015)

    Poster presentation.

    [4] 12th UK Particle Technology Forum 2014

    Manchester conference centre, Manchester, United Kingdom (16-17 September 2014)

    Poster presentation.

    [3] HERMES 2014

    Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, United Kingdom (25-28 July 2014)

    Poster presentation.

    [2] Robert Pfeffer Symposium

    School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (25 June 2014)

    Poster presentation.

    [1] Johnson Matthey Academic Conference 2014

    Imago conference centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom (15-16 April 2014)

    Poster presentation.



Room 4.94,
Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London, United Kingdom


If you want to stay up to date with my research, publications, talks and all the other stuff I am doing, add me on LinkedIn or just check down here: